Scholarships for Respiratory Therapy Majors
No matter what the degree, you are almost definitely going to find that college is expensive. As a respiratory therapy major, it is likely that you will need some degree of financial assistance to afford your education. Luckily, help is available through scholarships. You may be able to apply for scholarships through your university or college’s respiratory therapy school. Some medical and pharmaceutical companies also offer applicable scholarships. You might also qualify to apply for scholarships through professional and philanthropic organization focused on respiratory therapy. Most of these scholarships are for students already enrolled in an accredited respiratory care education program. Applications generally require you to send in transcripts and a letter of recommendation. Get started with this list of scholarships for respiratory therapy majors.
- 10,000
- 1 Award
- competition 4.0
- effort level 1.0
- 3,000
- 1 award
- competition 3.0
- effort level 4.5
- 2,000
- 1 award
- competition 2.5
- effort level 1.0
- 8,000
- 1 award
- competition 2.5
- effort level 2.0
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 3.5
- effort level 2.0