Scholarships for Electrical Engineering Majors

Electrical engineering is a broad field that reaches into most industries, including manufacturing, information technology and communications. Many professional organizations and industry associations, such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, offer exciting scholarship opportunities in order to encourage undergraduate students to pursue careers in electrical engineering. Eligibility requirements vary across scholarship programs, but many require a GPA above 3.0 along with the submission of recommendation letters and essays. Some scholarships may require applicants to demonstrate financial need. Start searching through the list of potential scholarships for electrical engineering majors below.

Showing 81-81 of 81 scholarships
key information
  • n/a
  • 1 award
  • Apr-1-2025
  • Major: Study |Chemical Engineering|Mechanical Engineering|Electrical Engineering|Chemistry|Physics|
  • Organization: Associated with the |Child of Sons of Norway Member|Granchild of Sons of Norway Member|
  • Citizenship: |U.S. Citizen|
  • competition 1.0
  • effort level 1.0
Showing 81-81 of 81 scholarships