Scholarships for Counseling Majors
Counseling is an important profession. And if you're feeling the call to become a counselor, don't let the high cost of college tuition stop you from pursuing a career helping others. There are scholarships available to aspiring counselors. Many accredited colleges and universities with social sciences programs offer scholarships, as do professional organizations, such as the American Psychological Association. Eligibility requirements vary, but they may include having financial need and membership in an underrepresented group. Some scholarships are available to students focusing on a specific area of counseling, like substance abuse or family counseling. Applicants may also need to meet a minimum GPA to qualify. Be sure to check out our list of scholarships for counseling majors below.
- 10,000
- 1 Award
- competition 4.0
- effort level 1.0
- 500 - 2,000
- 1 award
- competition 3.0
- effort level 1.5
- 1,000
- 1 award
- competition 2.0
- effort level 1.0
- 480 - 1,300
- 1 award
- competition 2.0
- effort level 4.5
- 500 - 20,000
- 1 award
- competition 1.5
- effort level 4.5
- 2,500
- 31 awards
- competition 1.0
- effort level 4.5
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 3.5
- effort level 1.0
- 500
- 1 award
- competition 3.0
- effort level 1.5
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 3.0
- effort level 2.0
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 2.5
- effort level 1.0
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 2.0
- effort level 1.0
- 1,200
- 2 awards
- competition 2.0
- effort level 5.0
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 2.0
- effort level 2.0
- n/a
- 1 award
- competition 1.5
- effort level 1.0