Youth Education Summit
This scholarship was established to give students the opportunity to develop an awareness and desire to participate in all levels of government and how young citizens can become involved in serving their communities.
Key Information
- n/a
- 50 awards
- Feb-1-2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:You must be a current sophomore or junior in high school.
- Minimum GPA:3.0
- Financial Need:Not Mentioned
- Residence:North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia have a state Y.E.S. program, which applicants must attend before National Y.E.S.
Application Details
- Transcript:Required
- Resume/Activity List:Required
- Essay:The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights states: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Does the Second Amendment still hold the same meaning today as it did to our forefathers? Is it still relevant to present-day American society?;Where do you stand on the issue of gun control? Does the government have the right to step in and disarm the American people, even though the right to bear arms is one of the main principles this country was built on?;What are the pros and cons of gun control? Discuss each side thoroughly.
- Recommendation Letters:Please attach three letters of recommendation from any of the following: teacher, school administrator, clergy, employer, business owner, Scout or other youth group leader, community leader, politician or outstanding member of the community. Do not use family members. Please ask them to read the attached recommendation form before writing the letter.
- Other Materials:Personal Statement
Contact Information
- Phone: (703) 267-1351
- Email: [email protected]