WWGF Scholarship
Women's Western Golf Foundation
This scholarship was established by the Womens Western Golf Foundation (WWGF), a National Charitable Trust formed in 1971. This program is open to female graduating high school seniors who are planning to pursue a college education. Funds can be used for tuition, room and board, and other university fees and charges. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years provided that the student meets the financial need requirement, Grade Point Average and application submission in a timely manner.
Key Information
- 1 award
- Mar-1-2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:Must be high school senior girls who intend to graduate in the year of application.
- Minimum GPA:3.0
- Financial Need:Required
- Other Academic Requirements:Must meet entrance requirements.
- Citizenship:Must be U.S. citizens.
- College:Plan to enroll at an accredited four-year college or university. Note: Community Colleges do not qualify.
- Athletics:An involvement in the sport of golf
Application Details
- Transcript:Required
- Resume/Activity List:Required
- Essay:Provide a description of your involvement in the sport of golf (no more than 150 words) can be typed or handwritten on a separate sheet and attached to this form;Write a definite statement concerning the financial condition of your family and how you intend to finance your college education (no more than 200 words) can be typed or handwritten in a separate sheet and attached to this form.
- Other Materials:Preliminary Application Form;Must complete the Federal Student Aid Report to be filed with the U.S. Government, Department of Education, between January 1st and March 1st. A free application form, FAFSA, may be obtained from the high school counseling center.
Contact Information
- Name: Jackie Waker