
The Levin-Goffe Scholarship Fund

Stonewall Community Foundation

This scholarship was established to cover up to two years of schooling for immigrants in New York City who identify as LGBTQI. The scholarship is intended to provide a measure of economic stability for those who stand at the intersection of marginalization that can be created by being both LGBTQI and an immigrant.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Must be at least a rising college sophomore
  • Minimum GPA:
  • Financial Need:
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    Successfully completed at least one academic year or is at least a rising sophomore; Has and maintains excellent academic record
  • Residence:
    An immigrant in New York
  • College:
    Must be enrolled in a New York City nonprofit college or university
  • Miscellaneous:
    Self-identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex; Does not have a criminal record in the United States; Can prove full-time enrollment in a New York City nonprofit college or university; Annual tuition does not exceed $12,500

Application Details

  • Transcript:
    Not required
  • Resume/Activity List:
    Not required

Contact Information