
Technical & Community College Scholarships

ASM International Foundation

The Technical & Community College Scholarships is provided to students enrolled in an Associates Program in Metallurgy, Materials Science, Manufacturing, or Welding/Joining. The program gives a $500 fund to up to 20 awardees annually. The applicants must have taken and passed at least an entry-level class in Metallurgy or Materials Science.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    The applicant must be an undergraduate student.
  • Financial Need:
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    The applicants must have taken and passed at least an entry-level class in Metallurgy or Materials Science.
  • Major/Career:
    The applicant must be formally enrolled in an Associates Program in Metallurgy, Materials Science, Manufacturing, or Welding/Joining.

Application Details

  • Judging Criteria:
    The Selection Committee considers a variety of factors including: Academic Achievement: Grades, courses selected, skills / interests Based on personal essay and recommendation letters
  • Transcript:
  • Resume/Activity List:
  • Essay:
    Personal essay describing interest in materials science or materials-based technology, career plans, long-range aspiration, special achievements and honors, volunteer experience, interdisciplinary skill/ interest, social values, and why you think you'd be a good recipient of the scholarship.
  • Recommendation Letters:
    No more than two references at least one from applicants professor. (Forward this link to your references to complete.
  • Other Materials:
    The application must include the Applicants photograph.

Contact Information