
SME-EF FIRST Robotics Scholarship

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Education Foundation

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Undergraduate students
  • Minimum GPA:
  • Financial Need:
    Not Mentioned
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    Must have participated in a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) or FIRST Tech Challenge during high school.
  • Residence:
    Scholarships are only available to students with permanent residency status in the U.S. (i.e. green card) or Canada, or applicants with a U.S. or Canadian student visa (or citizens of the U.S. and territories, citizens of Canada)
  • Citizenship:
    Scholarships are only available to citizens of the U.S. and territories, citizens of Canada, (or students with permanent residency status in the U.S. (i.e. green card) or Canada, or applicants with a U.S. or Canadian student visa.)
  • Major/Career:
    Seeking an Associate or Bachelors degree in manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, manufacturing technology or a closely related field of study

Application Details

  • Transcript:
  • Resume/Activity List:
  • Essay:
    Student Statement include details about why you chose your major, education and career objectives, and how this scholarship will help you achieve your objectives.Full Details Matter
  • Recommendation Letters:
    Provide a letter of recommendation from a FIRST faculty leader/coach/mentor verifying participation.

Contact Information