
Robert Stonehill Pre Medical Scholarship

Community Foundation of Boone County

This scholarship was established to benefit students from Boone County High School. Applicants must be residing in Boone County. Students must be pursuing study in the field of Medicine. This scholarship is awarded during the applicant's senior year but will be given on the applicant's sophomore year in college.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Awarded the applicant's senior year,
  • Minimum GPA:
  • Financial Need:
    Not Required
  • Residence:
    Boone County Resident
  • School:
    Boone County HS
  • Major/Career:

Application Details

  • Transcript:
  • Resume/Activity List:
  • Recommendation Letters:
    One letter of recommendation from a person NOT affiliated with your school. It is your responsibility to make sure recommendations are submitted by the deadline (you may see the status of your recommendation requests through your user account). When you fill in the information, an email will be immediately sent to the email address provided for the recommending individual. We strongly suggest that you notify your recommender that they will receive an e-mail from requesting their response and to safe-list that address so your request doesnt enter their spam filter.
  • Other Materials:
    A completed online application.

Contact Information