
Officer Jerry Wyss Memorial Scholarship

Adams County Community Foundation

The Officer Jerry Wyss Memorial Scholarship was established to benefit graduating senior from an accredited high school in Adams County. Applicants must be an Adams County resident and planning to attend an accredited college or university in the fall.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Graduating senior from an accredited high school in Adams County
  • Financial Need:
    Not Mentioned
  • Residence:
    A resident of Adams County
  • School:
    Graduating senior from an accredited high school in Adams County
  • College:
    Student plans to attend an accredited college or university in the fall

Application Details

  • Judging Criteria:
    Award is based on ACCF Scholarship Application + Officer Jerry Wyss essay
  • Transcript:
    Not required
  • Resume/Activity List:
    Not required
  • Essay:
    Student must submit 6 copies (total) of the essay to the Foundation. Submit essays separate from your application.Length / Font:maximum two pages, double spaced, margins: 1 / 12 (maximum), 10 (minimum)Author:Students name, high school, and anticipated college in the upper right corner. Essay title:Officer Jerry Wyss Memorial Scholarship (centered)Due:by 4:00 pm the 2nd Thursday in February (late essays will not be considered)Note to applicant: When evaluating the Officer Jerry Wyss essays, the selection committee will look for the description of behavior or the lifestyle of the applicant. The scholarship committee will review how an applicant handled a situation and/or how the applicant possesses one or more of the key qualities and values admired in Jerry Wyss. Applicants may choose to address and give examples using one or two of the following qualities/values:Hard-working: Jerry worked hard in every thing he did. He did not shy away from hard work, and he did not seek undue recognition or sympathy for it; Jerrys perseverance paid off for him on many occasions. Positive Outlook: Jerry had an attitude that integrated fun into everything he did, whether it was work or play. He made hard work enjoyable, recreation was pleasant, and he remained upbeat and didnt dwell so such matters when things did not go his way.Loyalty: Jerry was a loyal friend that could always be depended on to jump into action, even if it was inconvenient for him (outside of work) or dangerous for him (while on duty). He would not betray the trust between friends.Dedicated to Family: Jerrys family was at the top of his life and he loved them fiercely. He looked forward to every minute spent with them, and would conscientiously look after extended family members.In this essay, please give personal illustration(s) of how your work ethic resembles Jerrys, and /or an example of how your attitude, and / or life experiences best parallels these endearing values describing Jerrys qualities. For a completed essay, please address only one or two virtues in your essay max. two pages.
  • Other Materials:
    ACCF Scholarship ApplicationCheck-Off SheetSupplemental Eligibility Sheet

Contact Information