Matthew George Scott-Bronco IV Ever Scholarship Fund
Oklahoma City Community Foundation
The Matthew George Scott-Bronco IV Ever Scholarship Fund is awarded to graduating senior of Mustang High School with minimum 3.0 GPA.
Key Information
- 1 award
- March 2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:Must be a graduating senior of Mustang High School.
- Minimum GPA:3.0
- Financial Need:Preferred
- School:Must have attended Mustang High School through ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th grades.
- College:Any academically accredited two-year, four-year or vocational technical nonprofit institution in the United States; payments are made directly to the school.
- Athletics:Participated in at least one school-sponsored athletic discipline each year.
Application Details
- Transcript:Not required
- Resume/Activity List:Not required
- Essay:Have you attended Mustang High School through ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th grades?Have you participated in at least one school-sponsored athletic discipline each year?Please submit the name and email address of a Mustang High School faculty member who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf in one of the following areas of excellence: (1) outstanding character by demonstrating kindness to others, respect for teachers, coaches and persons of authority, (2) community service and good citizenship, (3) leadership in school clubs and activities.Did you submit your household's FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) for the coming year when you completed the General Application? (NOTE: If you answered "no", please know that financial need may be considered for this scholarship, and to be eligible for this scholarship you need to return to the General Application/Student Profile and attach a FAFSA - or a 1040 if you cannot complete the FAFSA.)
Contact Information
- Name: Wanda Minter
- Phone: (405) 606-2907
- Email: [email protected]