
Mary Alice Hartigan Scholarship

Heartland Foundation

This scholarship is established in 1999 to honor the late Mary Alice Hartigan for her years of dedication to the profession of nursing and devotion to the field of surgical services. The scholarship is designed to provide financial support to individuals for health care education in the field of nursing and/or surgical services, with an emphasis on surgical nursing.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Minimum GPA:
  • Financial Need:
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    Minimum enrollment of 12 hours of study for a regular semester or equivalent full-time status; Must meet acceptable academic standards of the institution in which enrolled
  • Residence:
    Must reside within the Heartland Foundation service region which includes the following counties in MISSOURI: Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Carroll, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Ray, and Worth; in IOWA: Decatur, Fremont, Page, Ringgold, and Taylor; in KANSAS: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, and Nemaha; and in NEBRASKA: Nemaha and Richardson
  • Major/Career:
    Must pursue health care education in the field of nursing and/or surgical services, with an emphasis on surgical nursing
  • Extracurricular:
    Prior and/or current service to humanity or health care

Application Details

  • Transcript:
  • Resume/Activity List:
  • Essay:
    Provide the following information in narrative form: Degree and career field you plan to pursue; Description of career goals; Name of institution to which you are accepted, date of acceptance and expected date of graduation; Brief statement of why you are applying for this scholarship and how it will apply to your professional skills; Explanation of need for financial assistance with anticipated costs and any extenuating circumstances ; A list of other financial resources with dollar amount (scholarships, loans, etc). Please indicate if you have applied to and been accepted into the Stepping Stones program through Mosaic Life Care; Information related to your work, length of service, how many hours worked weekly, etc. If you have worked in nursing or surgical services, please describe your experiences and note clinical excellence achievements (if applicable); Volunteer information: where, when, number of hours, and name of supervisor ; Extracurricular activities (hobbies, interests, etc.)
  • Recommendation Letters:
    At least two (2) recently dated letters of recommendation (on letterhead where applicable) with authors name, position and relationship to applicant. Letters must be dated within the last 90 days, and they must be signed
  • Other Materials:
    Proof of acceptance and full-time enrollment in an accredited/approved nursing and/or surgical services program, such as class schedule with credit hours enrolled and program acceptance letter

Contact Information