Jeanne Spurlock Research Fellowship in Drug Abuse and Addiction for Minority Medical Students
American Psychological Association
This fellowship was started to benefit minority medical students and provide them the opportunity to explore a research career in substance abuse in relation to child and adolescent psychiatry. Fellows will work with a child and adolescent psychiatrist researcher-mentor during the summer and required to attend the meeting to present their research in a new research poster session. Registration and travel reimbursements for the annual meeting will be provided.
Key Information
- 1 award
- February 2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:Applicants for 1-12 month (short-term) fellowships must submit a copy of a Ph.D. diploma
- Financial Need:Not Mentioned
- Major/Career:This fellowship offers a unique opportunity for minority medical students
- Miscellaneous:- This fellowship offers a unique opportunity for minority medical students.- A Ph.D. diploma from a university outside Japan dated no more than six years prior to April 2 of the application
- Other Benefits:Complimentary registration and travel reimbursement for the Annual Meeting are included in addition to the fellowship stipend.
Application Details
- Transcript:Not required
- Resume/Activity List:Not required
- Other Materials:- A completed application form- CV- Statement of Interest- Letter of support from proposed mentor- Letter of good standing from medical school- A copy of a Ph.D. diploma from a university outside Japan dated no more than six years prior to April 2 of the application year or a letter from their institution stating that the applicant is a Ph.D. candidate within two years of receiving a Ph.D.
Contact Information
- Phone: (202) 966-7300
- Email: [email protected]
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