George H. Hitchings New Investigator Award in Health Research
Triangle Community Foundation
George H. Hitchings New Investigator Award in Health Research is a $5,000 fund given to support students in their pre-doctoral research. The fund was established in May 1998 to honor George to encourage outstanding ib=nvestigators in the field of Veterinary Medicine.
Key Information
- 1 award
- March 2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:The scholarship is open to students in their second year of doctoral study.
- Financial Need:Not Mentioned
- College:The applicant must be enrolled at North Carolina State University.
- Major/Career:The awardee must be pursuing a doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine.
Application Details
- Transcript:Not required
- Resume/Activity List:Required
- Recommendation Letters:Provide a letter from the individual who is the primary mentor on the research project. The mentor should speak to the qualifications of the applicant as well as the support that will be provided to the student. In addition, the mentor needs to verify that he/she intends to be available to guide the student for the duration of the grant and the students research project.
- Other Materials:Applications must be typed (single-spaced using 12-point font) on standard 8.5 by 11-inch paper with one inch or larger margins on all sides. Pages must be numbered. Collate all sections of the application. Do not provide a cover letter. Application packets must be submitted using the Foundations online system.Important Note: Applications that contain more than the specified number of pages, or letters will be rejected out of fairness to candidates who adhere to the guidelines. In addition, applications that are not properly organized or that do not include all of the requested materials will be rejected.The applicant must submit: - Sponsors statement of nominationPresent the institutions reasons for nominating the candidate. Verify that the candidate meets the awards eligibility requirements and describes the expected impact of the award on the candidates research or training. Describe all program and institutional support that will be provided for the candidate, including such things as mentoring for career development. Briefly describe the laboratory space, equipment, and other resources for research and training that will be available to the awardee.- research Plan (no more than three typed pages)Rather than the standard Introduction/Specific Aims/Methods style of most scientific proposals, this application must address two points in plain English: What do you propose to do? This section should lay out the rationale for your scientific work; explain why it is important, what it will mean if it works, what you will learn if it doesnt, and where you see it leading scientifically. Though this section is to be written in plain English, it is also expected to be written with appropriate scientific rigor. What is driving you, personally, to take on this particular project? This award is meant to support work that may deepen a students interest in research: having extensive prior research experience is not a pre-requisite. We expect to see this program fund those relatively new to research as well as those who entered the College with a research destination in mind. If the candidate is already associated with a laboratory and has received support from other sources for example, from an advisors federal research grant please explain how the opportunities supported by the Hitchings New Investigator Award will differ from or enhance those supported by other sources (on a separate page). No indirect costs may be charged against this grant.- BudgetExplain in general terms how the award will be spent. The award should be spent for the academic enrichment of the student. No indirect costs may be charged against the grant. The budget may include student stipend support but may not include university tuition or general reagents for the laboratory in which the student works. Specialty reagents that will be purchased to make the students project possible may be allowed. Some examples of how the award might be spent include attending outside short courses (for example, Cold Spring Harbor and Woods Hole Summer Courses), travel to scholarly meetings, purchase of a computer for the personal use of the student, or books for the personal use of the student.
Contact Information
- Name: Sarah Battersby
- Phone: (919) 474-8370
- Email: [email protected]
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