
EMGIP - Bundestag Internship

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The EMGIP - Bundestag Internship is awarded to undergraduates or graduate students major in political science, international relations, law, history, economics or German. Applicants must be fluent in spoken German and possess excellent writing skills

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Participants should be advanced undergraduates or graduate students
  • Financial Need:
    Not Mentioned
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    Students must be fluent in spoken German and possess excellent writing skills.
  • Residence:
    US and Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply
  • Citizenship:
    US and Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply
  • Major/Career:
    Graduate students in fields such as political science, international relations, law, history, economics or German

Application Details

  • Transcript:
  • Resume/Activity List:
  • Essay:
    Short Essay (in German and English)The essay should be no longer then 3 pages (1.5 space, pt.12) and should answer why you are interested in the EMGIP-Bundestag Program. You should mention the career goals you hope to achieve by completing an internship in the Bundestag. Please state what your expectations are regarding the character of the internship and what you as an intern have to offer. Give your first and second preferences as to the Ausschu you would like to work for and any other relevant interests. Be advised that the Verteidigungsausschu does not offer any internship positions at all. Your name should appear on each page of the essay and you must hand in a German and an English version.
  • Recommendation Letters:
    Three Letters of RecommendationSubmit three (3) original letters of recommendation printed on university letterhead from professors (not lecturers or TAs)at North American institutions in your major and relevant fields of study. The letters can be included in a sealed envelope with your application or should be sent separately to DAAD New York. It is your responsibility that the recommendations get there on time.
  • Other Materials:
    DAAD language evaluation form / SprachzeugnisThis document should be signed by a faculty member of the German Department at your institution or by a Goethe-Institute. We cannot accept Fulbright forms nor can we accept evaluations from teaching assistants.

Contact Information