Educational Administrator of the Year Award
Educational Office Professionals of Ohio
This award is presented to currently employed educational administrators based on their personal and professional accomplishments, contributions to education and etc.
Key Information
- n/a
- 1 award
- March 2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Financial Need:Not Mentioned
- Employer:Member of the National Educational Association
- Miscellaneous:The applicant must currently be employed as an educational administrator.The applicant must currently be a member of the national educational association, whichrepresents his/her professional occupation.The applicant must be employed as an educational administrator for five (5) years.
Application Details
- Judging Criteria:COMMUNICATION SKILLS - The applicant has demonstrated strength in both personal andorganization communication.PROFESSIONALISM - The applicant has demonstrated commitment through consistentlyupgrading his/her administrative knowledge and skills, providing professional developmentopportunities for other members of the educational team, and motivating others to achieve.COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT - The applicant has demonstrated knowledge about and isactively involved in local community activities as well as has an understanding of state andnational issues.
- Transcript:Not required
- Resume/Activity List:Required
- Essay:1. Why did you choose to be a school administrator? What motivates you to stay in schooladministration?2. What is the chief obstacle you have faced during the last five years as you worked toimprove student learning? What did you do to overcome this obstacle? What measurableresults did you achieve?3. What are the most important things you have done to ensure the professional growth ofyour staff and especially office professionals? How do you know these approaches weresuccessful?
- Recommendation Letters:The applicant must have three (3) letters of recommendation: one (1) from theimmediate supervisor/co-worker and two (2) other persons of the candidate's choice.
Contact Information