DAAD-UAS7 Study & Internship Program in Germany (SIP)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
DAAD-UAS7 Study & Internship Program in Germany (SIP) is a program where the students may study and have their internship in Germany for a year. The program also provides a travel scholarship of 1,000 euros.
Key Information
- n/a
- 1 award
- Feb-15-2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:The applicant must be a sophomore or junior college student.
- Minimum GPA:3.0
- Financial Need:Not Mentioned
- Other Academic Requirements:The applicant must be a full-time student.
- College:The applicant must be an undergraduate degree-granting program at an accredited U.S. or Canadian college or university.
- Major/Career:The applicant must be studying in a field represented on UAS7 campuses - engineering, science, life sciences, business, management, economics, architecture, art, design, journalism, social work.
Application Details
- Transcript:Required
- Resume/Activity List:Required
- Recommendation Letters:1 Faculty Letter of Recommendation
- Other Materials:Applicant must submit a Study Plan, Language Evaluation, statement of support and Statement of motivation.
Contact Information
- Phone: (212) 758-3369
- Email: [email protected]
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