Conservation Fellowships
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
This fellowship program was designed to provide a wide range of post-graduate fellowship opportunities that will help develop the skills of emerging conservators. The Kress Conservation Fellowships provide competitive grants to museums and other conservation facilities which sponsor supervised internships in the conservation ofspecific objects and onsite training. Eligible fellows for a one-year post-graduate internship in advanced conservation at a museum or conservation facility are those who have completed a masters-level degree in conservation. Applications must be made by the museum or conservation facility at which the fellowship will be based.
Key Information
- 6 awards
- Jan-22-2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:Fellows should have completed (or will complete prior to the Fellowship) a masters-level degree in conservation prior to beginning the Fellowship.
- Financial Need:Not Mentioned
- Major/Career:Post-graduate internships in advanced conservation at a museum or conservation facility.
- Miscellaneous:Fellowship host institutions agree to: Acknowledge FAIC and the Samuel H. Kress Foundations financial support in all publicity materials and news releases related to the project. Please use thephrase, This [Fellowship/research/project] has been supported by a grant from the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, funded by the SamuelH. Kress Foundation in acknowledgements.
Application Details
- Judging Criteria:Award selection will be based on the potential for the Fellowship to develop professional skills, knowledge, and abilities in conservation, based on an ability to provide a varied and challenging set of tasks, provide sufficient and qualified supervision and mentoring , provide access to appropriate expertise and analytical services, provide appropriate work space and equipment and provide opportunities for professional presentations and public outreachactivities. If a specific candidate is proposed, a review will also be made regarding the potential for the Fellow to make a contribution to the conservation community, and the appropriateness of the proposed Fellowship experience for that individual.
- Transcript:Not required
- Resume/Activity List:Not required
- Other Materials:A completed application form;Curriculum vitae of the supervisor(s);Curriculum vitae of the proposed Fellow (if identified), or position description/announcement and search procedures;Other supporting materials, such as descriptions of the collection and institution, as desired.
Contact Information
- Phone: (202) 452-9545
- Email: [email protected]