Cameron Lee: Sang Chul Lee and Donald O. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
Asian Pacific Fund
The scholarship is administered by the Asian Pacific Fund. It is open to incoming freshman enrolled full-time at an accredited four year-college or university or a community college with a strong commitment to transfer to a four-year institution in 2016-17. Applicants must be residents of Almeda county in California and must demonstrate financial need.
Key Information
- 2 awards
- February 2026
- Scholarship Website
Eligibility Requirements
- Age/Grade Level:Must be incoming college freshman
- Minimum GPA:3.20
- Financial Need:Required
- Other Academic Requirements:Must demonstrate academic excellence
- Residence:Must be residents of Alameda County in California
- Citizenship:Must be U.S. citizens
- College:Must attend an accredited four year-college or university or a community college with a strong commitment to transfer to a four-year institution
- Miscellaneous:$100,000 maximum household income
Application Details
- Judging Criteria:Selection Criteria: Academic achievement; Personal strengths, including maturity and motivation; Financial need; Potential to succeed, including time-management skills, commitment to activities and realistic goals
- Transcript:Required
- Resume/Activity List:Required
- Essay:Respond to each of the short essay questions. Your essays should be in 12-point font and single-spaced. Include your name and the name of the scholarship program at the top of the page. Recommended length for each essay is 250-500 words. Recommended length for each essay is 250-500 words. 1. Describe one or two achievement(s) academic or otherwise. 2. Tell us about a few difficulties or hardships you have experienced in life. How did they come about, and how did you deal with them? How do these challenges affect you? What are some personal traits and characteristics that helped you in overcoming these challenges? 3. Optional: Is there anything else you would like us to know, including any unusual family or personal circumstances that have affected your achievement in school, work experience or your participation in school activities?
- Recommendation Letters:Two letters of recommendation, at least one of which is from a current teacher Letters should be on official school or organization letterhead or sent by the recommender from an official school or organization email address.
- Other Materials:If chosen for interview, finalists must submit official transcript(s) of grades, SAT/ACT score reports and FAFSA student aid report.
Contact Information
- Phone: (415) 395-9985
- Email:
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